We introduce \emph {mediKanren}, a combination of miniKanren, a database describing relationships between medical concepts, and a graphical user interface (GUI) to simplify data exploration and common queries.
Core miniKanren Core miniKanren extends Scheme with three operations: ==, fresh, and conde. There is also run, which serves as an interface between Scheme and miniKanren, and whose value is a list.
== unifies two terms.fresh, which syntactically looks like lambda, introduces lexically-scoped Scheme variables that are bound to new logic variables; fresh also performs conjunction of the ds-kanren: A subset of the miniKanren language [ language , library , mit ] [ Propose Tags ] ds-kanren is an implementation of the miniKanren language. miniKanren 2020. The miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop is a new workshop for the miniKanren family of relational (pure constraint logic programming) languages: miniKanren, microKanren, core.logic, OCanren, Guanxi, etc. The workshop solicits papers and talks on the design, implementation, and application of miniKanren-like languages.
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A major goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers 2021-03-09 · As part of a new Advanced Functional Programming course in Nottingham, Graham Hutton presented a Haskell approach to solving Sudoku puzzles, based upon notes from Richard Bird. The approach is classic Bird: start with a simple but impractical solver, whose efficiency is then improved in a series of steps. Successor of ds-kanren that provides more typeful logic programming environment in the spirit of Haskell. This project is in a prototype stage - a work in progress for the time being.
My weapon of choice is Haskell, so here you go, a miniKanren monad transformer in Haskell: miniKanrenT.
Monad Transformers FTW! It turns out there is a very nice monad transformer by Dan Doel (based on a paper co-authored by Friedman) that does the backtracking and interleaving for me. New: The talk videos are now available The Haskell Symposium presents original research on Haskell, discusses practical experience and future development of the language, and promotes other forms of declarative programming.
haskell-search-algorithms: Library for common graph search algorithms, på gång adderall: a miniKanren implementation in Hy, efterfrågades för 2445 dagar
I have since been improving the implementation. I am currently working on the third iteration of my logic library. The first one was described by my previous post. The second is in a GitHub repository. Successor of ds-kanren that provides more typeful logic programming environment in the spirit of Haskell.
The miniKanren and Relational Programming Workshop is a new workshop for the miniKanren family of relational (pure constraint logic programming) languages: miniKanren, microKanren, core.logic, OCanren, Guanxi, etc. The workshop solicits papers and talks on the design, implementation, and application of miniKanren-like languages. HKanren.
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" PhD 2nd Year Technical Report. Heriot-Watt University. 2018 2017.
E.g. say you have some custom interpreter.
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Mona Margareta Haskel, född 17 augusti 1935 i Växjö, död 13 mars 2021, [1] [2] [3] var en svensk scripta, regiassistent och inspelningsledare. Hon var under många år Hans Alfredsons och Tage Danielssons samarbetspartner.
However, previous embedded systems generally lack meta-programming with Haskell 2021, Erlang 2021, FARM 2021, FHPNC 2021, HIW 2021, HOPE 2021, ML 2021, OCaml 2021, PLMW @ ICFP 2021, Scheme 2021, TyDe 2021, miniKanren 2021. ICFP 2021 is the 26th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming. ICFP 2021 will be virtual. Thu 20 - Fri 28 August 2020 ICFP 2020 The miniKanren Confo is a special 4 hour conference about logic programming (in particular miniKanren). Dan Friedman and Will Byrd (co-authors of the Reasoned Schemer) will provide a keynote. Technical Blog : Comparing Monads in Haskell and in OCaml .